Total includes $100 raised from offline and oversea donations
總額包括來自非網上或海外的捐款共 $100
(Unaudited amount 金額數目有待核實)
2024/4/5 → 2024/7/31
Welcome to join us as individuals or teams, to assist CCM Edmonton Centre in raising operating funds for the year 2024, ensuring that we can continue to provide comprehensive holistic care services for those in need.
How to Participate
“Need You Most” is an annual fundraising event held by CCM Edmonton Centre to sustain our current ministries and support ministry development, together with our volunteers, supporters and public. This year, participants are encouraged to take on the challenge individually or as a team to enhance their physical and mental health as well as to celebrate the 45th anniversary of CCM Canada.
With incorporation of the element of “45”, the participants are to plan and complete any outdoor or indoor exercises or activities (e.g. 45 minutes daily jogging, doing 45 acts of kindness, daily devotion at 8:45a.m., etc.) within the action period. Meanwhile, participants will invite friends and family to donate to support them to complete the challenge.
「Fun Fun 中需要您」是中信愛城中心一年一度的籌款活動,目的是與我們的義工,支持者和大眾一起支持中心的現有事工及事工發展。今年, 我們鼓勵參加者以個人或團隊名義接受挑戰,提升身心健康,並慶祝加拿大中信成立45週年。
於行動日期內完成設有「45」元素的戶外或室內運動或活動 (例如每天步行45分鐘、做45件善行、每天早上8點45分靈修等)。參加者同時邀請親友捐款來支持他們完成挑戰。
#Please contact the Centre if extension of completion date is required.